What is home and its meaning to us?

What were your first thoughts about concept/materials/process for the Shoes Have Names project and how do they connect to notions of homelessness?

At first I tried to define what home is, and it is a lot of things, a lot of important things: safety, sanctuary, family, privacy, freedom, belonging, warmth, comfort, and more The more I thought about it the more I realised there is no specific shape and form to it, as it is such a personal definition, both the actual home as well as it's meaning. This is why I decided to use a "home symbol" to relate to this project, and use it in a negative form, the home symbol silhouette is created by the void between the heel and platform. The home is seen but it is not there. It is seen by its emptiness. Another hint of a home symbol is in the shape of the toe area. Another element are the XX created by the straps, making the image more "restricted". These days housing is becoming more and more difficult to have, something that is such a basic need in our existence is turning into an achievable mission. A home to live in is not supposed to be only a luxury.

You have named your piece ‘Home Void’ What does a sense of place or home mean to you?

In addition to all that mentioned above, a home is also a reflection of the person/s living in it. An empty place cannot be a home... when places and people meet both are alive and creating the unique surrounding.

Kobi Levi

Shoes Have Names Collaborator

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